Thursday, July 3, 2008

Weird ASP.Net deploy exception

Sometimes when you deploy an ASP.Net webapplication you might get this error in Application_Error from Global file:

Exception message:
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: utcDate
Stack trace:
at System.Web.HttpCachePolicy.UtcSetLastModified(DateTime utcDate) at System.Web.HttpCachePolicy.SetLastModified(DateTime date) at System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Made some Google search and realized this is caused by some 'bug' in the framework caused when you try to deploy a webapplication compiled on a machine to a different machine on a different regional time. For instance if you compile something in Romania and deploy it on a server from Denmark where the hour is with one unit back, you will get this error.
Webresource.axd won't load resources and other funny shits will occur related to CSS and other formatting (bizzare look of the web app).

To solve it, either compile with datetime changed on local machine or wait one hour to pass. NOT :)

Sql datetime validation regex

Yesterday I wanted to create a regex that would validate a datetime to be inserted in a SQL datetime column.

The format I wanted is one that SQL always knows to interpret and it looks like:
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.000
2008-07-17 23:59:59.015

Everything started easy, I looked on some sites but all the validation was made pretty easy and lots of exceptions could have slipped.

What I wanted was a regular expression(regex) that would validate: year from 1800+ since SQL mindate is 1753, max day of the month to be either 30 or 31 and for february to be 28 or 29 for bisect years.

A bisect year, called also LEAP year, bissextile year, etc is one that happens at each 4 years when we add 1 extra day to february to compensate the loss of 6 hours not taken into consideration at each sun cycle (one year). Shortly said, at each 4 years, february has 29 days instead of 28 days. Exception happens on years that ends in 00 where they should divide with 400.

First part was easy and then it complicated. The final regex looks like this:

^(1[8-9][2-9][0-9])((00040812162024283236404448525660646872768084889296)(\d\d))[-]((02)(01030507081012)(04060911))[-](?(6)((?(3)(0[1-9]1[0-9]2[0-9])(0[1-9]1[0-9]2[0-8])))((?(7)(0[1-9]1[0-9]2[0-9]3031)(0[1-9]1[0-9]2[0-9]30))))[ ](0[0-9]1[0-9]2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])\.\d\d\d$

Oh yeah, that long. Unfortunately I had no idea how to define division by 4 of a number in regex so I had to put all bisect years.

Let me explain it a little:
[ ]

First line allows strings that starts with 18,19 OR 20 to 99.
Second line divides the under-a-century year into 2 groups, bisect years and the rest. The groups are counting for backreference of regex, and the important one is the bisect year that holds the group with index 3.
Fourth line defines months, splitted into 3 regex backreference groups as in february(group 6) months with 31 days(group 7) and the rest with 30 days(group8)
Sixth line is the killer. It uses double regex conditional clauses and does something like:
IF february (group6)
IF bisect (group 3)
THEN max 29 days
ELSE max 28 days
IF 31 days month (group 7)
THEN max 31
ELSE max 30

The rest of them are pretty simple allowing max 59 value per minute/second or 24 per hour.

I've made a small program to make sure the regex is correct where:
- i defined the 1800-01-01 00:00:00.000
- increased that date with 1 day and validated it until it didn't validated it at year 9999+.
- increased that date with 1 second until an year passed.

All went smooth and tested it too with values as a bisect/nonbisect year with february 30/29/28 etc and it validated right, discarding the bad values.

I know it's pretty big, and might consume some CPU but it's better to have a valid clean date rather than an exception at insert or at some script run-time.

I haven't inserted the rule for 00 leap years, so 29 feb 2100 won't validate right (acceptable for the sake of shorter computation during the next 100 years). :)

Enjoy and please comment with suggestions.